Supporting Your Client After a Hospitalization

Hospitalization can be emotionally and physically trying on clients. It can affect many aspects of a client’s life, including sleep schedule, physical activity, social interactions and mindful activities. Below are tips on how to help your client adjust from a recent hospital stay.
Be their support system
Clients can feel frustrated or isolated after a hospital stay. Help them gradually return to their routine. Encourage them to:
- Move a little every day. If they have an exercise regime prescribed by a doctor, motivate them to stick with it.
- Ease back into their routine. Slowly, start getting their sleep schedule, meals, etc. back to where they were.
- Keep their mind active. Use puzzles, games, hobbies, books, etc. to keep their mind sharp.
- Follow the new plan. Support your client in incorporating the discharge instructions into their daily schedule.
Become part of the team
Keep lines of communication open between your office and the client’s family. Work together to incorporate any new changes into their care plan. Change can be hard on clients so be encouraging and understanding.
Prep the home
Depending on the amount of time the client has been hospitalized, they may need the home to be refreshed before they return. They may need groceries, medication refills or new equipment. (The family is ultimately responsible for these items, but they may ask for your help.) As the caregiver, you want to make sure you’re educated on the client’s needs. Your office can brief you on the client's condition. If you need a refresher, Relias, our online learning management system, features many helpful courses. Reach out to your office for more information about Relias.